We offer a personalized, customer-guided telepresence service.
What that means is that you, the customer, interactively guide your telepresence mediator – the TELEMEDIATOR. He/she is mobile, transmitting live video and sound via wireless internet.
The transmission can be uni-directional (so that you can see what they see) or bi-directional, other people being able to see you (provided that you also have a webcam, see our Requirements section).
We offer personalized services which include business, family events, tourism, as well as special services tailored for your needs. These are detailed in the categories below.
Business users
You may want to see 'live' a property you are interested to purchase or rent, a hotel where you may organize a conference...
Family Events
If you can not travel to attend a family event due to illness, visa, schedule conflict, etc, you can still be present, see what you want to see, talk with whom you want to talk. Anyone can see you and talk to you
You may not be able to travel in person due to illness, travel documents, lack of time or money. Yet, we can take you there tomorrow, at a fraction of physical travel costs. You can in fact shop 'live' in avenue Montaigne, Paris's most glamorous shopping street...
Special Services
Research from your armchair: a book project about comparative fashion in Brussels, Paris and Rome (see the 3 cities within an hour, take your own photos for the book)